364 Government Lies

        “If people let government decide which food they eat and medicines they take,” Thomas Jefferson said, “their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  We should have remembered such cautionary words when watching Dr. Robert Redfield testify before a congressional committee, for the ex-director of the Center for Disease Control blamed Anthony Fauci and the federal government for the deaths of millions of people.  Redfield says Fauci-funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan China laboratory doubtlessly spawned the deadly COVID-19 virus and believes Fauci and associates covered up the lab-leak evidence.  A lengthening list of governmental agencies now declare  the virus was in fact leaked from the Wuhan lab—so what some of us long suspected appears conclusively confirmed.  We also know, due to a recent Cochrane review, that masking did little to slow the spread of COVID-19.  Producing one of the most authoritative scientific publications, the Cochrane Collaboration draws together an international network of researchers who summarize the results of randomized, controlled trials, providing a highly trustworthy source of information regarding health care.  The review on masks says:  “Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza/SARS-CoV-2 compared to not wearing masks.”   

       As such evidence rolls in, Robert Malone’s Lies My Gov’t Told Me:  And the Better Future Coming (New York:  Skyhorse Publishing Co., c. 2022; Kindle Edition) proves perceptive.  Introducing himself, he says:  “I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician, and the original inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccination . . . as well as mRNA- and DNA-based gene therapy.  I am also an inventor or early adopter of multiple nonviral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies.  I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.  I have been working in the fields of advanced clinical development and vaccinology for almost forty years.   . . . .  In short, I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development.  I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks” (pp. 41-42).  Having spent much of his life working as a researcher within or for governmental agencies, Malone says he had “never really allowed myself to confront the possibility that we might not be the good guys.”  Then came COVID!  Years earlier he’d helped develop mRNA and DNA vaccines and therapies and understood their problematic natures.  So when pharmaceutical companies began using them to produce and distribute vaccines he spoke out, urging caution careful extensive testing before any wide-spread use.  

       For this Malone was quickly attacked by powerful media (the New York Times and Washington Post) and discovered that his confidence in the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech was not everywhere shared.  Additionally, few journalists can “comprehend the complexities and ambiguities inherent in scientific discussions and so repeatedly fall back on” simplistic memos issued by governmental or non-profit organizations’ spokesmen (p. 275).  Still more, “the Biden administration, through the CDC, made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets while deploying a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage” (p. 278).  Thus the media spoon-fed us state-funded propaganda! 

       To resist the propaganda Malone directs us to heed Michael Crichton, who noted how easily we detect errors in the news when we personally understand the subject.  So, for example, I easily dismiss much said about American Indians and their history because I know the subject quite well.  But since I know little about quantum physics or rugby I readily believe whatever journalists say about such things.  Thus Crichton insisted we must think critically about everything.  When reading about something you know well, he say, you often “see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues.  Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect.  I call these the ‘wet streets cause rain’ stories.  Paper’s full of them.  In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate . . . than the baloney you just read.  You turn the page and forget what you know’” (p. 545). 

       Early in January 2020 one of Malone’s friends in Wuhan told him about the COVID-19 outbreak in China.  Malone and his wife began researching, trying to find therapeutic remedies for folks infected with the virus.  Within a few weeks they had written and self-published the first edition of Novel Coronavirus: A Guide for Preparation and Protection, urging the immediate use of therapeutic drugs such as chloroquine, which had been proven (in 2005) to be effective in treating SARS coronaviruses.  After a month Amazon censored the book!  “And at that moment,” he says, “we knew that something very dark was happening, something we had never seen before.  Little did we realize that this was just a very early example of what was to become a large movement over the next two years, a global movement involving collusion between government, corporatized legacy media, social media, big technology, big finance, and nongovernmental organizations to completely control and shape all information and thought concerning the public health response to the novel coronavirus” (p. 26).  

       He laments that there were“multidrug, multistage lifesaving treatments that could have saved so many lives that have been lost, treatments that are used every day in hospitals around the country for related conditions as well as for COVID” (p. 42).  There was, for example, “an inexpensive lifesaving solution both before and during the pandemic . . .  The inconvenient truth is that even at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a very simple, inexpensive, and effective treatment was available that could have saved the majority of lives lost.  All that the WHO and national public health bureaucracies (including the US HHS) had to do was to recommend and support people taking sufficient Vitamin D3” (p. 228).  Vitamin D3, researchers discovered, is effective “as an immune system-boosting prophylactic treatment for influenza and other respiratory RNA viruses” (p. 228).  When Anthony Fauci was informed of Vitamin D3’s potential, he disregarded the evidence.  “Therefore, NIAID had no interest in pursuing Vitamin D3 as a prophylactic for respiratory diseases, such as influenza;” consequently, “over fifteen years ago, Dr. Fauci had already set the policies that informed the US government’s present response to the COVID crisis” (p. 231).  His obsession with vaccines meant that “cheap alternatives” were routinely rejected.  “The data for the use of Vitamin D3 are extremely strong; there are now even randomized clinical trials supporting its use for the treatment of COVID, as well as many retrospective clinical trials showing its efficacy” (p. 231).  (I personally have taken Vitamin D3 for many years and wonder if it helped me escape contracting COVID).

          Though Malone himself wrote much of Lies My Gov’t Told Me, he enlisted some of his colleagues to write chapters needing their expertise.  So Gavin de Becker, the author of The Gift of Fear and “considered the leading security specialist in the United States” analyzed the sheer fear that spread throughout the country as COVID-19 infected millions of people.  Some fears are, of course, legitimate and helpful.  Others, however—usually “worst case scenarios” that never materialize—cause much harm.  Throughout his long career Anthony Fauci has tried to panic the public with dire warnings:  ‘HIV/AIDS in 1983, West Nile Virus in 2001/2, SARS in 2003, bird flu in 2005, swine flu in 2009, dengue in 2012, MERS in 2014, Ebola in 2014/16, Zika in 2015/16, and COVID-19 in 2020.  Early on, as was evident in his dealing with AIDS, he “perfected his method of ad-fear-tising, using remote, unlikely, far-fetched, and improbable possibilities to frighten people.  He terrified tens of millions into wrongly believing they were at personal risk of getting AIDS when they were not” (p. 50).  Though there was little evidence that AIDS could be contracted by casual contacts, millions of us believed it could because of Fauci’s declarations.  So too there was never any evidence that anyone other than the elderly and folks with co-morbidities were at significant risk of dying of COVID-19. So all the businesses shut-down, all the school closures, all the frantic pronouncements on the evening news, were due to a panic rather than a pandemic!  

     Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, a specialist in pulmonary diseases, internal medicine, and critical-care, worked as the chief of the critical care service and medical director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin.  Noted for his commitment to patients, Kory twice testified to the US Senate providing evidence supporting the use of early treatments for COVID-19.   Identifying himself as one of the “maverick doctors” who used therapeutic remedies, he cited the “example of Uttar Pradesh, one of India’s largest states with a population two-thirds the size of the US.  With a careful door-to-door surveillance strategy in combination with a prevention and early treatment regime using Ivermectin, Uttar Pradesh effectively eliminated COVID-19 from their state of 241 million people” (p. 98).  Then there’s the Brazilian city of Itajai, which “offered Ivermectin preventively to the entire city’s population” and found that its “users had a 70 percent lower mortality rate, and a 67 percent lower hospitalization rate, while the citywide COVID mortality fell from 6.8 percent to 1.8 percent during the program” (p. 99).  Ironically, poor nations  fared significantly better than wealthy countries such as the USA, which had one of the highest mortality rates per capita in the world.  Ironically, you were at greater risk of dying of COVID-19 in a Western hospital than in an underdeveloped place such as Haiti or Uganda.    

      Among the many chapters detailing scientific data one finds some philosophically-probing essays, including “science or scientism,” wherein Malone endorses Everett Piper’s charge that Anthony Fauci is “America’s high priest of scientism.”  Fauci, Malone says, “has been dishonest with the American people throughout the COVID crisis and has repeatedly substituted opinion for science-based factual information, directly contributing to one of the greatest losses of life, freedom, and livelihood in the history of mankind. This is an embodiment of the true essence and nature of scientism” (p. 171).  Following his lead, politicians and bureaucrats imposed “lockdowns, masking, and social distancing policies [that] were all based not on science, but on the opinions of the people at the top of the administration—policies not to be questioned by scientists or laypeople.” (p. 172).  Still more:  there is an unquestioned utilitarianism—“one of the most powerful and persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy”—underlying modern medicine.  Globalist organizations such as the World Economic Forum, led by the likes of Bill Gates, “call for a drastic reduction in global human population, often referred to as the depopulation agenda” (p. 321).  Citing “the greatest good for the greatest number,” they want to control if not reduce the human population.  Public Health courses in prestigious universities are blatantly utilitarian, quite unlike the traditional “disciplines of medicine and clinical research, which are grounded in the principles of the Hippocratic oath and beneficence as applied to the individual patient” (p. 323).  Malone urges us to return to a Christian-shaped, Hippocratic medical care system that primarily focuses on persons and their needs rather than broader “public health” concerns.  

       In sum:  Malone endorses the positions set forth in the “Great Barrington Declaration,” signed by 18,000 eminent scholars, which said that “we should have focused our risk mitigation efforts on the elderly, and that the US should not have vaccinated healthy, normal children (who do not die of COVID) with an experimental vaccine” (p. 42).  Or, shall we say, we should have followed the Swedes!

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       In Overcoming the COVID Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients (c. 2022; Kindle Edition), Brian Tyson, M.D. and George C. Fareed, M.D. tell a very personal story of coping with COVID in California’s Imperial Valley.  A Harvard graduate who taught at both Harvard and UCLA medical schools, Dr. Fareed chose to follow the example of his father—a medical missionary who worked with Dr. Albert Schweitzer—and give his life to practicing medicine in a rural, low-income setting in Brawley, CA.  For his work he was named Rural Physician of the Year in 2015 by the California Medical Association.  Dr. Tyson is Fareed’s friend and colleague who owns and operates All Valley Urgent Care in El Centro, California.  As the book’s subtitle indicates, the two doctors “treated over 7000 patients with COVID-19—and saved everyone of them.  Not a single death occurred while using early treatment” (p. 12).  They did so by quickly using repurposed drugs—mixing together hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and antibiotics (now commonly known as the HCQ cocktail) that resulted in “nothing short of a miracle.”  Yet their success meant nothing to the World Health Organization or National Institutes of Health, which “attempted to stop us from effectively treating patients, as well as suppress the information we knew the public needed to hear” (p. 16).

       Fortunately, they worked in an area where they could initially follow their own insights without restraint from hospitals or bureaucrats.  They listened to NIAID spokesmen (Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx) but found their pronouncements demonstrably at odds with what they personally knew.  They were also encouraged by “a very well-written article in the American Journal of Epidemiology by Dr. Harvey Risch from Yale University,” which supported early treatment with hydroxychloroquine.   Nevertheless— and much to their amazement—“powerful forces were mobilizing, and they were prepared to do everything in their power to suppress the success we were having with our patients” (p. 35).  “Despite the success of the HCQ treatment protocol, and despite the 100% success rate for our patients who were treated early, the unthinkable happened:  the NIH, FDA, WHO, and CDC knowingly blocked effective early treatment for a virus enhanced in a lab to infect and kill humans.  The reason?  To sell a vaccine that turned out to be significantly ineffective in blocking new infections by variants and gain control of the populace” (p. 37).

       Despite opposition Fareed and Tyson persevered.  They worked on refining the “cocktail” and pleaded with anyone who would listen to heed their endeavors.  They made videos setting forth their “rationale for early treatment of COVID-19 illness.  But the videos were censored and labeled as ‘misinformation’ by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, all without declaring what content of the presentations was allegedly not true” (p. 68).  In the fall of 2020, Senator Ron Johnson called for a Senate hearing on the Early Treatment of COVID-19 and invited Dr. Fareed to testify before the Homeland Security Committee.  The hearing was sparsely attended and not nationally televised.  Senate Democrats and their media henchmen particularly praised another witness, Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University, who claimed HCQ had little efficacy and actually posed a risk for COVID-19 patients.  “This false characterization by so-called ‘experts’ such as Dr. Jha, who have not even treated a COVID-19 patient, has likely discouraged countless high-risk patients from seeking outcome-altering early treatment” (p. 66).  Jha even accused Fareed et al. of being “snake oil salesmen”! 

       Unintimidated, in September 2020 Fareed and Tyson set forth a national plan for COVID-19.  They urged caring for the vulnerable (elderly and chronically ill persons) without closing down schools, churches, and businesses.  When diagnoses so indicate, treating infected patients with HCQ and ivermectin within five days would almost always save them.  “Form a massive education program to emphasize early diagnosis and treatment, independent of test results,” and train primary care providers to quickly respond.  Their “plan would have reduced deaths through early treatment, protected the elderly initially by isolating them and later with vaccination, allowed businesses and schools to remain open, and society to go back to normal.  Unfortunately, our plan was not followed; our nation under the leadership of Dr. Fauci adopted a strategy of ‘hiding’ from the virus until the vaccine was available.  Then, when the vaccine failed to stop the spread, we hid again, relying on masks and social distancing while rejecting the one answer to ending the pandemic:  early diagnosis and treatment” (p. 97).  Tragically, “our country embraced an approach driven by fear and not by science, and the results have been catastrophic with almost 800,000 dead (as of December 2021) and the economy in a tailspin” (p. 98).  None of this need have happened!  If only we had looked at the evidence rather than listened to the “experts!” 

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        Yet another account of successfully treating COVID-19 patients—The Courage to Face COVID-19:  Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex (Counterplay Books, c. 2022; Kindle Edition), by John Leake and Peter A. McCullough—merits reading.  A noted journalist, Michael Capuzzo, says “McCullough is a hero for our time and for all times.  When the world collapsed from the COVID-19 pandemic, he led ‘the 500 doctors who saved the world’ and saved millions of people with his global research and at the bedside with his own hands.  When government health agencies and big pharma failed to do their job and lied about repurposed drugs that could end the pandemic, he did their job and called them out.  When reporters and editors failed to do their job and launched the largest propaganda campaign in history to cover up the lies, he did their job and told the truth about the lives lost and vast human suffering.  Instead of giving him a Nobel Prize they all tried to destroy him.  If you can read, you must read this powerful book he wrote with author John Leake, one of the few journalists with the talent and courage to tell the truth about the pandemic” (p. 306).

       An inquisitive reporter, John Leake doubted many public pronouncements as COVID-19 spread around the world.  He’d majored in history and philosophy as an undergraduate and he had long been interested in the history of medicine, which shows how orthodoxy in medicine is often deadly and group-think frequently fails to find the truth.  ​A quick review of the literature on anti-viral therapies showed him that some had effectively dealt with influenza viruses, especially when taken as early as possible, so Anthony Fauci’s “sheltering in place” seemed to him a sadly inadequate response to COVID-19!  He then learned that a noted physician, living near him, was providing an alternative approach to Fauci’s dicta.  Dr. Peter McCullough, the Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, was urging early treatment of the disease, and he’d found that it could be quickly, effectively treated!  After interviewing the doctor Leake determined to write this book.  

       A board certified internist and cardiologist, McCullough was also a Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M University, President of the Cardiorenal Society of America, and Editor-in-Chief or Senior Associate editor of three major academic journals.  He’d published over 600 peer reviewed academic medical papers.  Learning that Chinese researchers were getting good results using hydroxychloroquine and that Indian medical councils were urging medical workers to take it as a prophylaxis, McCullough determined to test it. ​

“Among researchers all over the world, hydroxychloroquine was known as one of the most useful drugs ever formulated” (p. 37) and so it seemed when he treated COVID patients.  His success was confirmed by multiple studies in South Korea, India, and France.  But when President Trump suggested hydroxychloroquine might be effective Anthony Fauci rebuked him, saying the evidence for the therapeutic was purely “anecdotal” and needed “a controlled clinical trial” before approval.  Fauci also dismissed the efficacy of Ivermectin—sometimes called a “wonder drug” for its use for various illnesses.  Since it is also used by veterinarians it was derided as an animal drug!  In time “research teams and independent doctors all over the world studied ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19,” finding it effective.  It too, however, failed to get Fauci’s stamp of approval.  Wait patiently for a vaccine!  We did and millions (worldwide) died!  Sadly enough, the doctors who knew the most were ignored and we witnessed a disaster haplessly handled by highly-paid “public health” bureaucrats.

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